This Site
Guide Compiled by Michael J. Cummings..©
and Enlarged in 2010
of Work and Year of Publication
Walter Scott's Ivanhoe is a historical
romance novel. Romance
here refers as much to derring-do and intrigue as to
courtship and love.
Archibald Constable and Company of Edinburgh printed
the novel in December
1819 but indicated 1820 as the year of publication.
The Edinburgh Review
and Edinburgh's Literary Gazette hailed the
novel as a literary
action takes place in England in the summer of 1194,
when the nation's
illustrious warrior king, Richard I, returns to his
homeland from the Third
Crusade in the Holy Land. Scott describes the
specific locale (in northern
England, east of present-day Manchester) in the
opening paragraph.
that pleasant district of merry England which is
watered by the river Don,
there extended in ancient times a large forest,
covering the greater part
of the beautiful hills and valleys which lie between
Sheffield and the
pleasant town of Doncaster. The remains of this
extensive wood are still
to be seen at the noble seats of Wentworth, of
Warncliffe Park, and around
Rotherham. Here haunted of yore the fabulous Dragon
of Wantley; here were
fought many of the most desperate battles during the
Civil Wars of the
Roses; and here also flourished in ancient times
those bands of gallant
outlaws, whose deeds have been rendered so popular
in English song.
[is] our chief scene.
sets action in historical towns, such as Sheffield and
Ashby, and in fictional
towns, such as Templestowe and Rotherwood.
novel centers on the (1) general conflict the Norman
rulers of England
and the native Saxons and (2) specific conflicts
between individuals, notably
the conflict between Ivanhoe and his father. The
narrator reports the status
of relations between Normans and Saxons in Chapter
had not sufficed to blend the hostile blood of the
Normans and Anglo-Saxons,
or to unite, by common language and mutual
interests, two hostile races,
one of which still felt the elation of triumph,
while the other groaned
under all the consequences of defeat. The power had
been completely placed
in the hands of the Norman nobility, by the event of
the battle of Hastings,
and it had been used, as our histories assure us,
with no moderate hand.
according to Scott, the
animosity between the Saxons and French noblemen
remained intense in 1194,
although most historians maintain that the
Saxon-French rivalry had died
down by that time. 1194.
of View
tells the story in third-person point of view.
However, he occasionally
assumes the persona of a storyteller and historian,
using the first-person
pronoun I, as in the following passage in
Chapter 1:
state of things
I have thought it necessary to premise for the
information of the general
reader, who might be apt to forget, that, although
no great historical
events, such as war or insurrection, mark the
existence of the Anglo-Saxons
as a separate people subsequent to the reign of
William the Second; yet
the great national distinctions betwixt them and
their conquerors, the
recollection of what they had formerly been, and to
what they were now
reduced, continued down to the reign of Edward the
Third, to keep open
the wounds which the Conquest had inflicted, and to
maintain a line of
separation betwixt the descendants of the victor
Normans and the vanquished
Wilfred of
Ivanhoe Heroic
Saxon knight who had fought in Crusades in the Holy
Land. He is the novel's
protagonist. He vanquishes villainous Norman enemies
while also supporting
the upright Norman king of England, Richard I. His
deeds bolster Saxon
pride, restore peace between Saxons and Normans, and
reconcile him with
his father, who had disinherited him when he decided
to fight alongside
the Normans in the Holy Land.
disguised as a pilgrim, or palmer, after his return
to England. A palmer
was a person who made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
He carried a palm
leaf (or displayed an emblem of a palm leaf) to
indicate that he had completed
the pilgrimage.
In disguise, he fights under this Spanish name
(meaning Disinherited Knight)
against Normans in a tournament at
Ashby-de-la-Zouche in Leicestershire.
Richard I: Rightful
King of England and a bold and skillful warrior who
fought in the Crusades
in the Holy Land and returns to England in 1194.
Though French blood runs
in his veins, he proves himself a just and worthy
King Richard. He disguises himself, assuming the
identity of the "Black
Knight," after returning to England.
Coeur de Lion:
King Richard's French name, meaning Richard the
John: Richard’s
evil brother, who plots to seize the throne of
Cedric of
Ivanhoe’s father. Cedric is gruff and full of loathing
for the Normans.
He disinherits Ivanhoe after the young man joins the
hated Normans in their
Crusades in the Holy Land.
beautiful and compassionate beloved. She is Cedric's
ward and a descendant
of the Saxon king Alfred the Great.
of Congingsburgh:
Courageous but mediocre Saxon lord engaged to Rowena.
Mother of
Isaac of
York: Jew
who helps Ivanhoe. Bigoted Christians treat him badly
throughout the novel.
beautiful and selfless daughter. For her nobility and
strength of character,
she is perhaps the most admirable character in the
Brian de
Villainous Knight Templar who opposes Ivanhoe and
Richard. He falls in
love with Rebecca and takes her captive.
Gigantic warrior, ally of John, and enemy of Ivanhoe.
King Richard mortally
wounds him in the battle at Front-de-Boeuf's castle,
and he dies when the
castle burns.
Advisor of Prince John and a treacherous enemy of King
Maurice de
Mercenary knight in the service of Prince John.
Albert de
Evil Knight Templar and preceptor (overseer) of
Templestowe, the knights'
Philip de
Knight Templar and brother of Albert de Malvoisin. He
shares his brother's
Robin Hood,
leader of a band of forest outlaws who help Richard
and Ivanhoe. He wins
an archery tournament by shooting an arrow that splits
the arrow of his
opponent, Hubert, and by shooting another that splits
a willow rod.
Another name for Robin Hood.
Friar Tuck:
Member of
Locksley’s band. He is also known as the Hermit or as
the Clerk of Copmanhurst.
Archer and
forester in the service of Malvoisin. At the
tournament, he loses the archery
contest to Locksley
Aymer: Monk
of the strict Cistercian order who serves as head of
the St. Mary's of
Jorvaulx. Against the vows he took to become a priest,
he indulges in pleasures
of the flesh. Cedric receives Aymer at Rotherwood
before the tournament
at Ashby-de-la-Zouche.
in the service of Cedric.
Cedric’s jester.
of Cedric. Hundibert is described as a major domo
(chief steward).
cupbearer in the dining hall at Rotherwood.
Stern Grand Master of the Knights Templars (or Poor
Knights of Christ and
of the Temple of Solomon) and strict enforcer of the
austere rules of the
order. After sojourning in Paris to seek aid to battle
the Muslim leader
Saladin in the Holy Land, he visits Templestowe to
chastise the Knights
Templars there for their worldly ways. Although he
believes himself moral
and upright, he is a thoroughgoing Anti-Semite.
Conrade de
Templar Knight at Templestowe and confidant of
Nathan Ben
Jewish rabbi and physician. He ministers to Isaac of
York, who had become
ill on his way to Templestowe to rescue his daughter.
Deceased friend of Cedric's father. The Normans
murdered him and enslaved
his daughter, Ulrica, to their lust.
of Torquil Wolfganger, a friend of Cedric's father.
The Normans
Herman of
Knight Templar preceptor who questions Brian de
Bois-Guilbert at the trial
of Rebecca.
of Rebecca's kindness. He testifies on her behalf at
her trial.
of Rotherwood:
Deceased father of Cedric.
Squire of
the Knights Templars. He informs Beaumanoir of the
arrival of a Jew (Isaac
of York) at Templestowe.
Jailer at
Bardon: Spy
for Prince John.
Friar who
attends Prior Aymer of Jorvaulx.
Squire of
of Robin of Locksley and singer of songs.
Hugh de
Nobleman who participates in the jousting tournament.
Ivanhoe defeats him.
Ralph de
Knight of St. John of Jerusalem who participates in
the jousting tournament.
Ivanhoe defeats him.
Richard de
Participant in the jousting tournament.
One of
Front-de-Boeuf's men.
Member of
Robin's band.
Member of
Robin's band.
Warder of
Castle: He admits Wamba in the disguise of a
pages, attendants,

Plot Summary
Michael J. Cummings...©
and Enlarged in 2010
year is 1194. The place is northern England. There,
Saxon natives bitterly
resent the policies of their haughty Norman
overlords, the descendants
of French nobles who settled England with William
the Conqueror. (William,
Duke of Normandy , sailed across the English Channel
from France in 1066,
defeated the English king in the Battle of Hastings,
and seized the English
enmity William’s takeover engendered between the
Saxons and Normans continues
to fester after Richard I, the sixth King of England
in the French line,
assumes the throne in 1189.
Richard (known popularly in history by his English
name, Richard the
Lion-Hearted, and French name, Richard
Coeur de Lion) becomes
king, his main interest lies in joining the Crusades
to win back the Holy
Land from the Muslims. Well suited to military life,
he is bold, crafty,
and highly skilled in swordsmanship. Shortly after
his coronation, he gallops
off to the Third Crusade to battle the Muslim
leader, Saladin, for control
of sacred territory. After seizing Cyprus, Richard
confers with other Crusade
leaders at the conquered city of Acre, not far from
Jerusalem. When he
quarrels with them over policy, Richard insults
Leopold V, Duke of Austria,
and rips down one of his banners.
1192, after forging a truce with the Muslims,
Richard sails for England
but puts in at Venice during a storm. Henchmen of
Leopold, still smarting
from Richard’s offensive behavior at Acre, capture
him and imprison him
in a castle on the Danube. Later, Leopold turns him
over to Henry VI, a
German king of the Hohenstaufen dynasty and ruler of
the Holy Roman Empire.
A ransom frees Richard in 1194.
Richard makes his way to England, his ambitious and
unscrupulous brother,
John, controls the country as prince regent and
plots to seize the throne.
He and his fellow Normans have expropriated Saxon
lands, bound many Saxons
to feudal servitude, and denied Saxons the rights
that Normans regularly
enjoy. To John, the Saxons are pustules on the royal
corpus; they must
be squeezed and excised.
the forest district of the River Don, Normans on
horseback approach a swineherd,
Gurth, and a jester, Wamba, and ask directions to
the hall of Cedric of
Rotherwood, a Saxon lord. The Normans hope to gain
overnight lodging there
before setting out the next day for a spectacular
tournament at Ashby-de-la-Zouche
in Leicestershire. There, knights in full battle
armor will ride their
horses to ring metal and draw blood.
and Wamba, Saxons in the service of Cedric, give the
Normans the wrong
directions. Among these Normans are fierce warrior
priests, members of
a religious order called Knights Templars, who
wielded mighty swords in
the Crusades. One is the formidable Brian de
Bois-Guilbert, who will take
part in the tournament. Had it not been for a
pilgrim newly returned from
the Holy Land, the Normans would never have found
Cedric’s hall. They encountered
this pilgrim, called a “palmer” because of a palm
leaf he carries as a
symbol of a visit to the Holy Land, while attempting
to follow the directions
of Gurth and Wamba. The palmer leads them to the
hall, where a feast progresses.
is an old Saxon custom to provide lodging to
travelers, even despised Normans.
Cedric—a proud and quick-tempered master but a fair
man nonetheless—welcomes
them to dine in his hall and lodge in his rooms.
With the Normans are Muslim
captives brought to England as slaves. Not one of
the Saxons or Normans
recognizes the palmer, though the palmer well
recognizes them. For he is
Wilfred of Ivanhoe, the son of Cedric—in disguise
because his father had
disinherited and ostracized him. Why? First, he fell
in love with Lady
Rowena, Cedric’s beautiful Saxon ward and a
descendant of Alfred the Great.
Cedric had pledged her to Lord Athelstane of
Coningsburgh, in whose veins
runs the blood of another early Saxon king. Cedric
believes the marriage
will unite Saxon splinter groups into a unit that
could restore Saxon hegemony
in England. Second, Ivanhoe, a knight of uncommon
skill and bravery, joined
the hated Normans in the Crusades to win back the
Holy Land.
Lady Rowena enters the hall, her beauty dazzles the
Normans. Feeling the
heat of their gazes, she draws a veil across her
face. After Brian de Bois-Guilbert
drinks a toast to her, she inquires about
developments in the Holy Land.
The knight says he has little to report except the
truce effected with
the feast, a Jew, Isaac of York, begs entry to the
hall to sup at a table,
and Cedric directs him to the lower end of a table.
But no one makes room
for him, out of loathing for his race and religion.
Saxons and Normans
alike ridicule him, and even the Muslim slaves shun
him. However, the palmer
yields his seat to Isaac, places food before him,
and goes to the other
side of the hall while Isaac—famished from
traveling—heartily consumes
the food.
and Saxons debate the merits of their languages.
Those fluent in Norman
French and Saxon English understand everything.
Others converse in pidgin,
stringing together motley phrases, or rely on
translators. When the subject
turns to the valor of the knights in the Holy Land,
Brian de Bois-Guilbert
extols the prowess of the Normans compared with the
English. Rowena asks
whether any English knights distinguished
themselves. De Bois-Guilbert
concedes that certain English knights fought with
spirit, but declares
they were second to the Norman knights.
to none,” the palmer rejoins. He describes a
tournament in the Holy Land
in which English knights defeated Normans. He says
that if one of those
English knights, Wilfred of Ivanhoe, were present,
he would challenge de
Bois-Guilbert in the lists. The palmer offers an
ivory box containing a
fragment of the cross of Christ as surety against
such a match, and de
Bois-Guilbert flings a gold chain onto the table as
his pledge.
the banquet, Rowena questions the palmer about
Ivanhoe—whether he will
encounter problems returning home, whether he enjoys
good health. The palmer
tells her Ivanhoe well knows the customs in foreign
lands, enabling him
to travel safely. As to his health, the palmer says
Ivanhoe is darker and
thinner than when he arrived in Cyprus and that
“care seemed to sit heavy
on his brow.”
next morning, the palmer enters Isaac’s room and
advises him to leave immediately
and travel hastily. When Isaac asks why, the palmer
says he overheard de
Bois-Guilbert instructing his Muslims to rob Isaac
on the road. The palmer
then quietly departs with Isaac, who plans to
conduct business in the region
and attend the tournament. The palmer guides him
through secret passes
in the forest to the home of friends in Sheffield.
Grateful, Isaac says
he will get the palmer what he most wants: a horse
and armor for the tournament.
Isaac explains that he knows the palmer is really a
knight because of the
words he spoke the previous evening. Like “sparks
from flint [they] showed
the metal within,” Isaac says. Moreover, Isaac says,
when the palmer bent
over, his cloak opened to reveal a knight’s chain
and spurs of gold. Isaac
then obtains from a fellow Jew everything Ivanhoe
needs to compete.
it is that Ivanhoe is able to enter the tournament
and joust against the
best of the field before a crowd of Saxons and
Normans, including Prince
the first event of the tournament, Brian de
Bois-Guilbert and other Normans
gain the upper hand—to the dismay of Cedric and his
supporters—by unhorsing
one Saxon after another. It appears that no one can
stand up to them. Then,
at the sound of a trumpet, Ivanhoe takes the field
disguised as Desdichado,
Spanish for Disinherited Knight.
first rides against de Bois-Guilbert. The Norman’s
lance strikes Ivanhoe’s
shield squarely, nearly knocking Ivanhoe out of his
saddle. At the same
time, Ivanhoe’s lance strikes Norman’s helmet, and
“saddle, horse, and
man rolled on the ground in a cloud of dust.” The
victorious Ivanhoe drinks
from a bowl of wine, saying: “To all true English
hearts, and to the confusion
of foreign tyrants.” Next, he defeats a ruthless,
battle-scarred giant,
Reginald Front-de-Boeuf, then completes the rout by
dispatching three more
horsemen: Sir Philip Malvoisin, Hugh de Grantmesnil,
and Ralph de Vipont.
Amazed spectators wonder, “Who is this Disinherited
the victor, the Disinherited Knight has the right to
designate the Queen
of Beauty and Love. Riding up to the royal seating
area, he uses his lance
to take up the crown and place it at the feet of
Lady Rowena, conferring
upon her complete royal authority in the realm for
the following day. Prince
John confirms the Disinherited knight’s victory,
reluctantly, and Rowena
receives the crown.
and his daughter, Rebecca, who are lodging at an
Israelite’s house near
Ashby, receive a visitor, Gurth, who has come on
Ivanhoe’s behalf to repay
Isaac eighty zecchins for the armor. Later, however,
when Rebecca is alone
with Gurth, she gives back the money and tells Gurth
to return it to Ivanhoe.
the second day of the tournament, fifty Norman
warriors and fifty Saxon
warriors assemble for a battle royal. Athelstane,
angry that the Disinherited
Knight chose his fiancée as the Queen of
Beauty and Love, fights
on the Norman side. During the bloody free-for-all,
de Bois-Guilbert, Front-le-Boeuf,
and Athelstane close in on Ivanhoe. Then a
mysterious Black Knight rides
into the lists and evens the odds by defeating
Athelstane and Front-le-Boeuf.
Ivanhoe, heartened, again unhorses de
the end, four men lie dead, thirty others nurse
wounds, and Ivanhoe again
emerges victorious, earning the right to receive the
Chaplet of Honor from
Lady Rowena. When Rowena reaches down to place the
chaplet on the knight’s
helmet, marshals declare that the knight must
receive the chaplet on his
bare head. Removing his helmet, they reveal the
pale, blood-streaked face
of Ivanhoe. He kisses Rowena’s hand, then collapses
at her feet. Removal
of his armor reveals a lance wound in his side.
the Disinherited Knight’s fate is known, word
spreads through the crowd
that he is none other than the valiant Wilfred of
Ivanhoe, Cedric’s son,
returned from the Holy Land.
has it that King Richard, too, is on his way back to
England after his
detention in central Europe. This news prompts
Prince John and his unscrupulous
adviser, Waldemar Fitzurse, to further their plans
to overthrow Richard,
using a mercenary warrior, Maurice de Bracy, along
with Brian de Bois-Guilbert
and Reginald Front-de-Boeuf.
is in fact in England. He was the mysterious knight
who helped Ivanhoe
in the lists. After the tournament, he galloped off,
lodged for the night
at a wayside inn, then rode into the forest. In the
remains of an old chapel,
a monk, Friar Tuck, gives him food and drink and
they sing songs.
meanwhile, is under the care of Isaac of York’s
beautiful daughter, Rebecca,
who is skilled in the healing arts. She is much
taken with the Christian
knight, and he is not averse to her attentions.
After the tournament, Isaac
and Rebecca take Ivanhoe with them on a horse litter
and enter the forest.
Cedric, Athelstane, Rowena, and a company of men
also enter the forest
on their return to Rotherwood. Along the way, they
encounter Isaac and
Rebecca. Isaac tells Cedric the bodyguard that he
hired to accompany him
ran away after learning there were outlaws in the
forest. While fleeing,
these men took with them mules that Isaac rented to
haul a sick old man
(the wounded Ivanhoe, in disguise) on a litter. When
Isaac asks to travel
under Cedric’s protection, Athelstane calls him a
dog and tries to turn
him away. However, Cedric decides to leave Isaac two
men and two horses,
a decision that Rowena praises. Rebecca kneels and
kisses Rowena’s dress
in a gesture of thanks, then renews the plea to
travel under Cedric’s protection
for the sake of the sick person on the litter. After
Rowena importunes
Cedric on Rebecca’s behalf, Cedric accedes to
Isaac’s wishes.
de Bois-Guilbert, the mercenary Maurice de Bracy,
and Reginald Front-de-Boeuf
lead their men in an ambush against the Saxon
travelers, capturing all
of them except Wamba, who escapes after briefly
fighting the enemy. Wamba
stumbles upon Gurth in the forest, and together they
come upon Robin of
Locksley (Robin Hood). When they inform Robin of the
presence of the Normans
nearby, he goes off to reconnoiter them and learns
where they are taking
their Saxon captives, Front-de-Boeuf's castle,
Torquilstone. After returning,
Robin alerts the Black Knight and Friar Tuck of the
Saxons' plight. They
and the rest of Robin's men then prepare to attack
the castle rescue the
when the Normans reach Torquilstone, they imprison
their captives, including
Ivanhoe. Rebecca is with him, tending his wounds.
The Normans' intentions
soon become clear. De Bracy wants Rowena, de
Bois-Guilbert wants Rebecca,
and Front-de-Boeuf wants a thousand pieces of silver
from Isaac, threatening
to torture him if he does not produce the
the Normans can act on their plans, Robin and the
Black Knight arrive at
the castle with two hundred men. After the Normans
discuss their options,
they send the Saxons a message asking for a priest
to hear the confessions
of the captives, who are to be executed. The Normans
plan to question the
priest about the army outside and to use him to send
for reinforcements.
After the Saxons receive the message, Wamba
volunteers to be the priest,
dons the robes of Friar Tuck, and goes to the
castle. He is instructed
to reconnoiter the castle and, at the same time,
inform the Normans that
if they execute their captives the Saxon army will
make them pay for their
actions with their lives.
in the castle, Wamba tells Front-de-Boeuf that he is
a Franciscan priest
who, wandering through the forest, happened upon the
Saxons massed outside
the castle. When Front-de-Boeuf questions Wamba
about them, the jester
puts their number at five hundred. De Bois-Guilbert
tells Front-de-Boeuf
aside that after the priest hears confessions, they
will give him a message
to carry to Philip de Malvoisin, calling upon him to
bring Norman soldiers
to Torquilstone to fight the Saxon army. A servant
then escorts Wamba to
the room where Cedric and Athelstane are held so
that he may hear their
confessions. There, Wamba changes clothes with
Cedric, enabling him to
walk about in the guise of the monk.
encounters an old hag named Ulrica. Once she was
young and beautiful, she
tells Cedric, but she aged prematurely after she
became a slave to the
lust of the occupants of the castle. Now that she is
ugly and decrepit,
she is an object of scorn. Her father was Torquil
Wolfganger--a friend
and comrade-in-arms of Cedric's father, Hereward.
Torquil was murdered
by the father of Reginald Front-de-Boeuf. Over time,
a rivalry developed
between Reginald and the elder Front-de-Boeuf, and
Ulrica used her wiles
to further inflame them against each other until the
day came when Reginald
killed his father. Ulrica has since lived for the
day when she can gain
revenge against those who corrupted her.
when the Normans speak with Cedric (still in the
guise of a priest), they
give him a scroll bearing the message for Philip
de Malvoisin. Front-de-Boeuf
escorts him out of the castle, past the moat, and
gives him a gold coin
for his trouble. After walking into the field
before the castle, Cedric
turns and hurls the coin back to Front-de-Boeuf,
shouting, "False Norman,
thy money perish with thee!" Front-de-Boeuf then
checks the room where
Cedric and Athelstane were being held. There, he
strikes off the pulled-down
cap of a prisoner wearing Cedric's clothes and
finds Wamba beneath it.
De Bracy comes in and says Cedric "must have
escaped in the monk's garments!"
that their plan to send for help has gone awry,
they hastily prepare for
battle. When the Black Knight, Locksley, and their
forces attack, Front-de-Boeuf
suffers a mortal wound. As he lies dying on a bed,
Ulrica comes in, stands
over him, and reminds him of his sins. She tells
him he will never again
know peace, for "even in death
thou think on thy murders--on the groans which
this castle has echoed--on
the blood that is engrained in its floors!" She
sets fire to the castle,
sealing the doom of Front-le-Boeuf--and herself.
After striking what appears
to be a mortal blow to the head of Athelstane, de
Bois-Guilbert escapes
with Rebecca and several of his men. He takes her
Templestowe, the abode
of the Knights Templar.
dawn the next day, the Saxon victors meet at Robin
Hood's forest encampment
to divide the loot they carried off. Cedric, who
refuses any booty for
himself, says his men are standing by to transport
the body of the fallen
Athelstane to his final resting place and to
accompany Rowena back to Rotherwood.
He thanks Wamba for his heroic deeds, and he
rewards Gurth, a serf, with
his freedom and a parcel of his land. The Black
Knight accepts his share
of the spoils and then, as a goodwill gesture,
frees one of the captives,
the mercenary Maurice de Bracy, with a stern
warning: "beware of the future,
lest a worse thing befall thee."
Tuck, also called the Clerk of Copmanhurst, enters
the camp with Isaac
of York. Shortly thereafter, another
captive--Prior Aymer of Jorvaulx--enters
complaining of maltreatment at the hands of one of
Robin's men, Allan-a-Dale.
When Isaac learns that de Bois-Guilbert took his
daughter to Templestowe,
Robin devises a plan in which Isaac will pay the
prior a generous sum to
write a letter to de Bois-Guilbert in order to
gain entry to Templestowe
and secure the release of Rebecca with a ransom.
The prior writes the letter
and gives it to Isaac, and he sets out for
Templestowe with his own men
and two foresters as guides.
Isaac is on his mission, de Bracy arrives at the
Castle of York and informs
Prince John of the fall of Torquilstone, the death
of Front-de-Boeuf, and
de Bois-Guilbert's escape to Templestowe. This is
disturbing news for John,
who was counting on these men to assist him in his
plan to become ruler
of England. Even worse, de Bracy says, Richard I
is in England. He himself
spoke with him, he says. He recognized him in his
disguise, he says, although
the outlaws with him were ignorant of his
identity. De Bracy then announces
that he is leaving for Flanders to seek new work
as a mercenary.
John then plots to take Richard prisoner. De Bracy
refuses to participate
in the scheme, having promised Richard not to
engage in mischief. Waldemar
Fitzurse, John's advisor, takes on the task and
begins assembling the needed
Isaac delivers the letter from Prior Aymer into
the hands of Lucas
de Beaumanoir, the grand master of the Templar
order, who recently arrived
at Templestowe to discipline his knights after
hearing of their worldly
behavior. Although it is addressed to Brian de
Bois-Guilbert, de Beaumanoir
reads it. The letter urges de Bois-Guilbert to
surrender the "Jewish sorceress,
whose black eyes have bewitched thee," to Isaac, who
is prepared to pay
an enormous sum to ransom her. The grand master is
shocked to learn that
one of his knights has violated his priestly vows
and fallen in love with
a Jewess. He is also angry that the preceptor of
Templestowe, Albert de
Malvoisin, permitted de Bois-Guilbert to bring a
Jewish woman into the
castle. However, he shifts all blame for the
situation to Rebecca by accusing
her of witchcraft. Her skill in the healing arts is
actually a form of
sorcery, he maintains. He then angrily dismisses
Isaac and later holds
a mock trial in which Rebecca is found guilty of
practicing witchcraft.
the urging of de Bois-Guilbert, Rebecca invokes her
right to trial by combat.
A champion must come forth to fight for her. The
grand master reluctantly
approves her solution and designates de
Bois-Guilbert to fight Rebecca's
champion. If the champion fails to appear, Rebecca
will die. The grand
master allows Rebecca to write a message to her
father, asking him to find
a champion. Higg, a Saxon joiner who testified at
the trial that Rebecca
had healed him of palsy, delivers her message.
the Black Knight visits Ivanhoe at the Priory of St.
Botolph, not far from
Robin's forest camp. Ivanhoe has been recuperating
at the priory from his
wounds. Richard tells him that he will meet him at
Coningsburgh for the
funeral of Athelstane and attempt to reunite him
with his father. After
Richard rides away, Fitzurse and his men ambush
Richard, but Robin and
his band immediately come to his aid and kill or
wound Fitzurse's men.
Richard, now acting as king, banishes Fitzhurse from
England and then reveals
his true identity to Robin.
Coningsburgh Castle, where mourners are gathered for
Athelstane's funeral,
Richard brings Ivanhoe and Cedric together after
revealing his identity
to the latter. Ivanhoe and Cedric reconcile. But
there is no funeral, for
Athelstane has risen from his open coffin. The blow
he suffered had knocked
him unconscious, into a deathlike trance. After his
"resurrection," he
vows allegiance to Richard and yields Rowena to
the trial by combat in the lists near Templestowe,
Rebecca awaits a champion
as she sits in a black chair near a stake hung with
fetters and surrounded
by bundles of firewood. But no one appears. De
Bois-Guilbert tries to persuade
her to escape with him, but she refuses. Then, when
it appears that she
is doomed to burn at the stake, the champion rides
in. It is Ivanhoe. De
Bois-Guilbert is in a no-win situation. If he
defeats Ivanhoe, Rebecca
dies. If Ivanhoe is the victor, de Bois-Guilbert
the fight both men are unhorsed. Ivanhoe, sword in
hand, gains the superior
position and demands that his rival surrender. But
de Bois-Guilbert is
already dead, perhaps of a heart attack. After the
grand master frees Rebecca,
Richard arrives with a company of soldiers and
several knights in armor.
One of the knights--Henry Bohun, Earl of Essex and
high constable of England--comes
forward and arrests Albert Malvoisin for high
diest with thy brother Philip, ere the world be a
week older," Richard
tells Albert.
flag of England now flies over Templestone, and the
Templar grand master
gathers his knights, squires, and other followers
and moves on. Essex
tells Ivanhoe that Richard sent his brother to their
mother. Ivanhoe and
Rowena marry in the Minster of York, with King
Richard attending the ceremony.
On the second day after the wedding, Rebecca visits
Rowena and tells her
that she and her father are moving to Moslem
and Reconciliation
the beginning of Ivanhoe to the end, the
novel centers on efforts
to maintain or eliminate rancorous divisions. These
divisions include the
rifts separating Ivanhoe from his father, Normans
from Saxons, and Christians
from Jews. Ivanhoe and his father eventually
reconcile, enabling Ivanhoe
to marry Rowena, and the Saxons accept Norman rule
under the righteous
Norman king, Richard I. However, although Rebecca
tries mightily to heal
divisions between Christians and Jews, most of the
Christians at the end
of the novel refuse to regard Jews as their equals.
Consequently, Rebecca
and her father leave England for Spain.
of Good Over Evil
King Richard, Robin of Locksley, and other virtuous
and upright characters
in the novel prevail. Rebecca gains exoneration from
the charge of witchcraft
and goes free, thanks to the intervention of
Ivanhoe. However, the villainous
characters die, suffer physical injury or
humiliation, or fail to achieve
their goals.
the Normans conquer England, they and their
descendants–drunk with power–succumb
to their baser instincts, unjustly taking Saxon
lands and humiliating the
Saxons with unfair treatment. Norman aristocrats
even limit Saxons to inferior
seats at jousting tournaments.The abuse of Ulrica at
Torquilstone symbolizes
the plight of the downtrodden Saxons. Meanwhile,
most Normans and Saxons
unjustly treat the Jews among them.
and Saxons alike scorn Isaac the Jew and attempt to
profit at his expense.
Moreover, the Norman Templar Brian de Bois-Guilbert
attempts to exploit
Isaac's beautiful daughter, Rebecca. Only Ivanhoe,
Rowena, and Richard
treat Isaac and Rebecca with a measure of compassion
and respect. The author
appears to support fair treatment of the Jews, but
his descriptions of
Isaac contain many negative stereotypes of Jews that
render his position
ambiguous. Among passages that insult Jews are the
will be a fit usher to the Jew"—Chapter 5.
"Dog of
an unbeliever," said
an old man, whose threadbare tunic bore witness to
his poverty, as his
sword, and dagger, and golden chain intimated his
pretensions to rank,—"whelp
of a she-wolf! darest thou press upon a Christian,
and a Norman gentleman
of the blood of Montdidier?" (Chapter 7)
stout well-set yeoman
. . . advised the Jew to remember that all the
wealth he had acquired by
sucking the blood of his miserable victims had but
swelled him like a bloated
spider. . . . (Chapter 7)
mercy on me, noble
knight!" exclaimed Isaac; "I am old, and poor, and
helpless. It were unworthy
to triumph over me—It is a poor deed to crush a
"Old thou
mayst be," replied
the knight; "more shame to their folly who have
suffered thee to grow grey
in usury and knavery—Feeble thou mayst be, for
when had a Jew either heart
or hand—But rich it is well known thou art."
(Chapter 22)
of the English
Saxons and Normans communicate,
they sometimes speak a hybrid language composed of
French and Anglo-Saxon.
The narrator notes that this practice promoted the
development of the English
language, as the follow passage indicates.
court, and in
the castles of the great nobles, where the pomp and
state of a court was
emulated, Norman-French was the only language
employed; in courts of law,
the pleadings and judgments were delivered in the
same tongue. In short,
French was the language of honour, of chivalry, and
even of justice, while
the far more manly and expressive Anglo-Saxon
was abandoned to the
use of rustics and hinds, who knew no other. Still,
however, the necessary
intercourse between the lords of the soil, and those
oppressed inferior
beings by whom that soil was cultivated, occasioned
the gradual formation
of a dialect, compounded betwixt the French and the
Anglo-Saxon, in which
they could render themselves mutually intelligible
to each other; and from
this necessity arose by degrees the structure of our
present English language,
in which the speech of the victors and the
vanquished have been so happily
blended together; and which has since been so richly
improved by importations
from the classical languages, and from those spoken
by the southern nations
of Europe. (Chapter 1)
climax of a novel or another literary work, such
as a short story or a
play, can be defined as (1) the turning point at
which the conflict begins
to resolve itself for better or worse, or as (2)
the final and most exciting
event in a series of events. The climax of Ivanhoe
occurs, according
to the first definition, when the Saxon army, with
the help of King Richard
(in disguise as the Black Knight), defeat the
Normans at Torquilstone.
According to the second definition, the climax
occurs when Ivanhoe fights
and defeats Brian de Bois-Guilbert in the trial by
was an outstanding storyteller known for
constructing exciting, action-driven
plots rich with period atmosphere and colorful
descriptions of heraldic
and chivalric customs. When a character appears for
the first time, Scott
often presents a detailed description of his or her
attire and physical
characteristics. Consider, for example, the
following passage centering
on Rowena when she enters Cedric's dining hall.
in the best
proportions of her sex, Rowena was tall in stature,
yet not so much so
as to attract observation on account of superior
height. Her complexion
was exquisitely fair, but the noble cast of her head
and features prevented
the insipidity which sometimes attaches to fair
beauties. Her clear blue
eye, which sat enshrined beneath a graceful eyebrow
of brown sufficiently
marked to give expression to the forehead, seemed
capable to kindle as
well as melt, to command as well as to beseech. If
mildness were the more
natural expression of such a combination of
features, it was plain, that
in the present instance, the exercise of habitual
superiority, and the
reception of general homage, had given to the Saxon
lady a loftier character,
which mingled with and qualified that bestowed by
nature. Her profuse hair,
of a colour betwixt brown and flaxen, was arranged
in a fanciful and graceful
manner in numerous ringlets, to form which art had
probably aided nature.
These locks were braided with gems, and, being worn
at full length, intimated
the noble birth and free-born condition of the
maiden. A golden chain,
to which was attached a small reliquary of the same
metal, hung round her
neck. She wore bracelets on her arms, which were
bare. Her dress was an
under-gown and kirtle of pale sea-green silk, over
which hung a long loose
robe, which reached to the ground, having very wide
sleeves, which came
down, however, very little below the elbow. This
robe was crimson, and
manufactured out of the very finest wool. A veil of
silk, interwoven with
gold, was attached to the upper part of it, which
could be, at the wearer's
pleasure, either drawn over the face and bosom after
the Spanish fashion,
or disposed as a sort of drapery round the
shoulders. (Chapter 4)
Here is
another example, this
one centering on Isaac of York.
with little ceremony, and advancing with fear and
hesitation, and many
a bow of deep humility, a tall thin old man, who,
however, had lost by
the habit of stooping much of his actual height,
approached the lower end
of the board. His features, keen and regular, with
an aquiline nose, and
piercing black eyes; his high and wrinkled forehead,
and long grey hair
and beard, would have been considered as handsome,
had they not been the
marks of a physiognomy peculiar to a race, which,
during those dark ages,
was alike detested by the credulous and prejudiced
vulgar, and persecuted
by the greedy and rapacious nobility, and who,
perhaps, owing to that very
hatred and persecution, had adopted a national
character, in which there
was much, to say the least, mean and unamiable.
Jew's dress, which appeared to have suffered
considerably from the storm,
was a plain russet cloak of many folds, covering a
dark purple tunic. He
had large boots lined with fur, and a belt around
his waist, which sustained
a small knife, together with a case for writing
materials, but no weapon.
He wore a high square yellow cap of a peculiar
fashion, assigned to his
nation to distinguish them from Christians, and
which he doffed with great
humility at the door of the hall. (Chapter 5)
epigraph introduces each chapter. (An epigraph is a
quotation at the beginning
of a book, a book chapter, a poem, or a short story.
It presents a theme
or a topic on which the writer will focus). Many of
the epigraphs in Ivanhoe
quote writers who inspired Scott with their tales
about historical, legendary,
or fictional characters. Among the quoted writers
are Homer (The Iliad
and The Odyssey), Chaucer (The Canterbury
Tales), Shakespeare
(The Merchant of Venice, The Two Gentlemen of
Verona, Henry V, Coriolanus,
King John, Richard II, and Richard III),
Christopher Marlowe
(The Jew of Malta), Oliver Goldsmith (She
Stoops to Conquer),
and Friedrich von Schiller (The Maid of Orleans).
Scott also quotes
less famous writers as well as anonymous writers.
example of an epigraph is the following, at the
beginning of Chapter 5,
from Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice,
spoken by the Jewish
moneylender Shylock in response to Christian
not a Jew eyes?
Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions,
affections, passions?
Fed with the same food, hurt with
the same
weapons, subject
to the same diseases, healed by the
same means,
warmed and cooled
by the same winter and summer, as
a Christian
is? (3.
1. 23)
Chapter 5 of
Ivanhoe then opens
with the following passage when Isaac of York arrives
at Cedric's hall.
returning, whispered into the ear of his master, "It
is a Jew,
who calls
himself Isaac
of York; is it fit I should marshall him into
the hall?"
Gurth do thine office, Oswald," said Wamba with his
"the swineherd
will be a fit usher to the Jew."
Mary," said the Abbot, crossing himself, "an
unbelieving Jew, and
into this presence!"
dog Jew," echoed the Templar, "to approach a
defender of the Holy
my faith," said Wamba, "it would seem the Templars
love the Jews'
better than
they do their company."
my worthy guests," said Cedric; "my hospitality must
not be
bounded by
your dislikes.
If Heaven bore with the whole nation of
for more years than a layman can number, we may
endure the
presence of one
Jew for a few hours. But I constrain no man
to converse
or to feed with
him.--Let him have a board and a morsel
he said
smiling, "these turban'd strangers will admit
the characters tend to be either virtuous or
villainous, with few streaks
of gray in their souls. For example, the hero and
heroine–Ivanhoe and Rowena–are
thoroughgoing exemplars of chivalric ideals: They
are faithful, compassionate,
dignified, and morally incorruptible. That is not to
say, however, that
all the characters are static and unchanging.
Cedric, for example, undergoes
a rending internal conflict. After disowning Ivanhoe
and declaring him
a persona non grata, his long-dormant feelings for
his son come alive when
Ivanhoe suffers a wound in the tournament. In that
moment, love and hate
war in him for dominance. Eventually, Cedric
reconciles with Ivanhoe and
swallows his fierce Saxon pride to accept the rule
of King Richard.
in England
dates to ancient times, resulting in part from
Jewish refusal to acknowledge
the pantheon of Greek and Roman gods and from their
refusal to submit to
Roman rule. In the fifth book of his History,
the Roman historian
Publius Cornelius Tacitus (56-120 AD) spurns Jewry
is held
sacred by the Romans, with the Jews is profane: and
what in other nations
is unlawful and impure, with them is permitted. . .
. They eat and lodge
with one another only; and though a people of
unbridled lust, they admit
no intercourse with women from other nations. Among
themselves no restraints
are imposed. . . . The first thing instilled in
their proselytes is to
despise the gods, to abjure their country, to set at
naught parents, children,
brothers. (321-322)
for the death of Christ, Jews suffered severe
persecution over the centuries,
including torture, loss of property, and forced
conversion to Christianity.
Because of fabricated charges of "blood libel," in
which malicious Christians
accused Jews of sacrificing Christian children at
Passover, many Jews were
burned at the stake.
prejudice against Jews increased around 1190 after
non-Jews borrowed
heavily from Jewish moneylenders, becoming deeply
indebted to them. In
York, about 150 Jews committed suicide to avoid
being captured by an angry
I put a stop to Jewish persecution, but it returned
in the following
century during King Edward I's reign from 1272 to
1307. The government
required Jews to wear strips of yellow cloth as
identification, taxed them
heavily, and forbade them to mingle with Christians.
Finally, in 1290 Edward
banished them from England.
Age of Castles and Kings
age of kings and castles, or the Feudal Age, was
born in Europe in the
dawning shadows of the Dark Ages. After the Roman
Empire collapsed in the
late Fifth Century A.D., its former territories in
central Europe had to
fend for themselves. In time, without the might of
the imperial Roman sword
to protect them, these territories fell prey to
Viking invaders from the
north and Muslim invaders from the south.
the 730's, the Muslims had penetrated central
Europe through Spain. However,
Charles Martel, the ruler of the kingdom of the
Franks in northeastern
Europe and southwestern Germany, repulsed the
Muslims with soldiers granted
land in return for military service as horsemen.
(Horse soldiers, or cavalry,
had the speed and maneuverability to quell the
Muslim threat.) This arrangement–granting
land in exchange for service–was the founding
principle of feudalism.
Franks continued to stand as a protective bulwark
under Martel's successors,
Pepin the Short and Charlemagne. But after Louis I
the Pious assumed power
in 813, the Franks commenced fighting among
themselves over who should
succeed to the throne. This internal strife, along
with Viking attacks,
resulted in the eventual breakup of the Frankish
kingdom. In 911, Viking
marauders seeded themselves in western France, in
present-day Normandy,
and took root. By the late 900's, much of
Europe (France, England,
western Germany, northern Spain, and Sicily) had
evolved into a land of
local kingdoms in which rulers took refuge behind
the walls of castles
and leased land to people willing to protect and
maintain a kingdom against
rival kingdoms or outside invaders. The feudal
system of offering land
in exchange for service then bloomed to full
Feudalism Worked
king of a domain granted an expanse of land (fief)
to selected men
of high standing in return for a pledge of
allegiance and military service.
These men, who came to be known as great lords (or
grands seigneurs)
then awarded portions of their land to lesser
lords, or vassals, for a
similar pledge of loyalty, or fealty, as
well as dues and an agreement
to fight the lord's enemies. In return, the great
lord met the everyday
needs of the vassals. Knights, highly trained
mounted warriors, were the
backbone of the great lord's army. Failure by a
great lord or a vassal
to live up to a commitment, or warranty,
was a felony, a
crime punishable by loss of the offender's title,
land, and other assets.
In severe cases, the offender sometimes lost his
life or a limb.
King or Great Lord Gave ---> Land
King or Great Lord Received ---> Protection
(Military Service)
Land and Its Workers
estate on which a lord lived was called a manor.
Peasants, or serfs,
were attached to the land as property. They paid
rents and taxes, farmed
the land, and performed many other servile duties.
Sometimes freemen also
worked the land. The lord exercised full political
and social control over
his land.
Was a Castle?
castle was a walled fortress of a king or lord.
The word castle
is derived from the Latin castellum,
meaning a fortified place.
Generally, a castle was situated on an eminence
(a piece of high
ground) that had formed naturally or was
constructed by laborers. High
ground constructed by laborers was called a motte
(French for mound);
the motte may have been 100 to 200 feet wide and
40 to 80 feet high. The
area inside the castle wall was called the bailey.
Some castles
had several walls, with smaller circles within a
larger circle or smaller
squares within a larger square.
outer wall of a castle was usually topped with a battlement,
a protective
barrier with spaced openings through which
defenders could shoot arrows
at attackers. This wall sometimes was surrounded
by a water-filled ditch
called a moat, a defensive barrier to
prevent the advance of soldiers,
horses and war machines. At the main entrance was
a drawbridge,
which could be raised to prevent entry. Behind the
drawbridge was a portcullis
[port KUL is], or iron gate, which could be
lowered to further secure the
castle. Within the castle was a tower, or keep,
to which castle
residents could withdraw if an enemy breached the
portcullis and other
defenses. Over the entrance of many castles was a
projecting gallery with
[muh CHIK uh LAY shuns], openings in the floor
through which defenders
could drop hot liquids or stones on attackers. In
the living quarters of
a castle, the king and his family dined in a great
hall on an elevated
platform called a dais [DAY is], and they
slept in a chamber called
a solar.
age of castles ended after the development of
gunpowder and artillery fire
enabled armies to breach thick castle walls
instead of climbing over them.
Questions and Essay
1. Which
character do you
most admire? Explain your answer.
2. Which
character do you
least admire? Explain your answer.
3. Does
Brian de Bois-Guilbert
redeem himself at the end of the novel?
4. Does
Ivanhoe exhibit
any romantic feelings toward Rebecca?
5. Write an
essay arguing
that (1) Sir Walter Scott accurately depicts the
behavior of typical Knights
Templars or (2) inaccurately depicts the behavior of
typical Knights Templars.
6. Write an
essay that discusses
the influence of the French language on the English