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Guide Prepared by Michael J. Cummings...©
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Baudelaire's "The Swan" is a French lyric
poem focusing on the reaction of the poem's speaker to the demolition
of sections of old Paris to make way for urban renewal. The Paris firm
of Poulet-Malassis and de Broisse first published "The Swan" in 1861 as
one of more than one hundred thematically related poems in the second edition
of Baudelaire's,
Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil).
"The Swan" appeared under its original French title," Le Cygnet," in a
section entitled "Tableaux Parisiens" ("Parisian Scenes").
Fleurs du Mal
was one of the most influential and controversial works of the nineteenth
century. Among its themes are beauty and ugliness in life, boredom, death,
disillusionment and despair, the role of the poet, and cultural decadence.
The book frequently uses symbols to represent themes and ideas.
Baudelaire published the first edition of the poems in 1857, a court decreed
that several of them were obscene and blasphemous. He had to remove six
poems before publishing the second edition.
dedicated "The Swan" to Victor Hugo (1802-1885), author of Notre-Dame
de Paris (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), Les Misérables,
and other well-known novels and plays. After reading "The Swan," Hugo called
it a nouveau frisson, a new thrill in French literature.
crossing the Carrousel Bridge in Paris, the speaker
thinks of Andromache, the widow of ancient Troy's greatest warrior, Hector.
(During the Trojan War between Troy and Greece, an even mightier warrior—the
Greek hero Achilles—slew Hector. The Greeks went on to defeat the Trojans
and burn Troy. (For additional information on the Trojan War see The
mourned not only the loss of her husband but also the loss of her city.
The Simoïs River on the plain at Troy reflected
her grief, and its waters swelled with her tears. The son of Achilles took
her home with him as a trophy of war, along with Helenus, the brother of
makes the speaker think of the story of Andromache is what he sees around
him in Paris: the urban renewal that is pulling down the old Paris just
as the Greeks pulled down Troy. No longer does he see familiar sights,
such as vendors' stalls. Instead he sees heaps of columns and cornices,
weeds, blocks of stone overgrown with moss, and various other relics of
the old city.
upon a time, caged animals were exhibited in the area where rubble now
clutters the streets. One morning, when Paris was coming to life with street
sweepers and people going to work, the speaker saw a swan escape its cage
and toddle on the stone pavement to the gutter to get a drink of water.
But rain had not fallen for a long time, and the gutter was dry. Nevertheless,
the swan—perhaps recalling a pond or tarn that was its haunt—nestled into
the dust and seemed to ask, "When will it rain? When will the thunder boom?"
swan raised its head to the sky, as if pleading for answers. Its keeper
came upon it then, fixed a rope about its neck, and goaded it with a broom
handle back to its cage.
new face of Paris saddens the speaker. It is a scaffold that builds the
new on the ruination of the old. But his memories of the old outweigh all
the scaffolds, all the stone blocks, all the new palaces. For him, the
concrete reality of the present does not alter anything.
front of the Louvre, the image of the swan comes back to him. It is struggling
frantically this way and that, like all exiles yearning for home. He also
sees the image of Andromache once again. When Troy fell to the Greeks,
she and Hector's brother Helenus were carried off by Achilles' son,
Pyrrhus (also known as Neoptolemus), to become his property. She bore him
three sons. After the death of Pyrrhus, she became the wife of Helenus.
The speaker also sees an image of a starving, sickly black woman being
pulled along in chains while she longs for the palm trees of her native
and others like her can never recover what they have lost. They must nourish
themselves on the breasts of sorrow. Orphans, prisoners, sailors marooned
on an island, those vanquished in battle—the speaker thinks of them all.
the themes of "The Swan," as well as other Baudelaire poems about Paris
in Les Fleurs du Mal, are the following.
Alienation: Baudelaire
becomes an alien in his native city when urban renewal replaces the familiar
sights and landmarks he knew in earlier times. He is like the swan, which
was taken from its native lake; the slave woman, who was taken from her
native land; and orphans, who were taken from their parents by death.
Despoiled Beauty:
Just as the Greeks despoiled Troy and its women, the Parisians of the second
half of the nineteenth century despoiled the old Paris—or so Baudelaire
says in his poem. He compares the old Paris to the beautiful Andromache,
wife of the slain Trojan hero Hector. The Greeks killed her husband and
destroyed her city, then one of them carried her off. Baudelaire believes
urban renewal is killing the old Paris, mythical and legendary in its own
way, just Achilles slew Andromache's husband.
Despondency: Andromache,
the swan, and the black slave woman all suffer despondency after they lose
something precious and sacred. Andromache loses her husband, her city,
and her freedom. Likewise, the swan and the slave also lose their freedom,
as well as the comfort and security of familiar climes.
Defiant Memory: The
past remains alive in the memory of Baudelaire and other sensitive souls
who refuse to forget. The memory of the old Paris eclipses the experience
of the new paris. As the speaker says, "Mes chers souvenirs sont plus lourds
que des rocs" (My dear memories are heavier that rocks).
Par Charles Baudelaire
À Victor Hugo
je pense à vous! Ce petit fleuve,
Pauvre et triste miroir
où jadis resplendit
L'immense majesté
de vos douleurs de veuve,
Ce Simoïs2
menteur qui par vos pleurs grandit,
A fécondé soudain
ma mémoire fertile,
Comme je traversais le nouveau
Le vieux Paris n'est plus
(la forme d'une ville
Change plus vite, hélas!
que le coeur d'un mortel);
Je ne vois qu'en esprit tout
ce camp de baraques,
Ces tas de chapiteaux ébauchés
et de fûts,
Les herbes, les gros blocs
verdis par l'eau des flaques,
Et, brillant aux carreaux,
le bric-à-brac confus.
Là s'étalait
jadis une ménagerie;
Là je vis, un matin,
à l'heure où sous les cieux
Froids et clairs le Travail
s'éveille, où la voirie
Pousse un sombre ouragan
dans l'air silencieux,
Un cygne qui s'était
évadé de sa cage,
Et, de ses pieds palmés
frottant le pavé sec,
Sur le sol raboteux traînait
son blanc plumage.
Près d'un ruisseau
sans eau la bête ouvrant le bec
Baignait nerveusement ses
ailes dans la poudre,
Et disait, le coeur plein
de son beau lac natal:
«Eau, quand donc pleuvras-tu?
quand tonneras-tu, foudre?»
Je vois ce malheureux, mythe
étrange et fatal,
Vers le ciel quelquefois,
comme l'homme d'Ovide,4
Vers le ciel ironique et
cruellement bleu,
Sur son cou convulsif tendant
sa tête avide
Comme s'il adressait des
reproches à Dieu!
Paris change! mais rien
dans ma mélancolie
N'a bougé! palais
neufs, échafaudages, blocs,
Vieux faubourgs, tout pour
moi devient allégorie
Et mes chers souvenirs sont
plus lourds que des rocs.
Aussi devant ce Louvre5
une image m'opprime:
Je pense à mon grand
cygne, avec ses gestes fous,
Comme les exilés,
ridicule et sublime
Et rongé d'un désir
sans trêve! et puis à vous,
Andromaque, des bras d'un
grand époux tombée,
Vil bétail, sous
la main du superbe Pyrrhus,6
Auprès d'un tombeau
vide en extase courbée
Veuve d'Hector,7
hélas! et femme d'Hélénus!8
Je pense à la négresse,
amaigrie et phtisique
Piétinant dans la
boue, et cherchant, l'oeil hagard,
Les cocotiers absents de
la superbe Afrique
Derrière la muraille
immense du brouillard;
À quiconque a perdu
ce qui ne se retrouve
Jamais, jamais! à
ceux qui s'abreuvent de pleurs
Et tètent
la Douleur comme une bonne louve!9
Aux maigres orphelins séchant
comme des fleurs!
Ainsi dans la forêt
où mon esprit s'exile
Un vieux Souvenir sonne
à plein souffle du cor!
Je pense aux matelots oubliés
dans une île,
Aux captifs, aux vaincus!...
à bien d'autres encor!
(Andromache): Wife of Troy's most formidable warrior, Hector, in the
war against Greece. The Greek warrior Achilles, the greatest soldier in
the world, killed Hector before the walls of Troy and, behind his chariot,
dragged the body of Hector around the walls of Troy to humiliate the Trojans.
Later, the Greeks defeated the Trojans and burned their city. The son of
Achilles, Neoptolemus (also called Pyrrhus, meaning fair), took
her and Hector's brother Helenus home with him as as captives to the Greek
state of Epirus, in northwestern Greece. In Greece, Andromache bore Neoptolemus
three sons. When Neoptolemus died at Delphi, Greece, Andromache and the
throne of Epirus were awarded to Helenus, who married Andromache. After
Helenus died, Andromache returned to her native land. There, her son Pergamus
founded a city.
River flowing past ancient Troy (in present-day Turkey). In the Aeneid,
Virgil refers to a false Simoïs in Epirus.
du Carrousel, a Paris bridge crossing the Seine. It opened in 1834.
d'Ovid (literally, the man of Ovid): Allusion to Cycnus, a close friend
of Phaeton, in a tale by the Roman poet Ovid (43 BC-AD 17) in his Metamorphoses.
Phaeton was the son of the sun god Helios. After Phaeton died, Cycnus grieved
so deeply that the gods changed him into a swan to relieve his suffering.
Paris art museum that formerly served as a royal residence.
Neoptolemus. (See
Son of Priam, king of Troy. Hector was the greatest Trojan warrior in Troy's
war against the Greeks. He was slain by the Greek warrior Achilles. For
additional information, see Andromaque and The
Helenus, the brother of Hector. According to the Roman poet Virgil, the
son of Achilles (Neoptolemus) captured him and Andromache at the end of
the Trojan War and took them back to Greece. For additional information,
see Andromache.
la Douleur comme une bonne louve (drink sorrow as they would drink the
milk of a kindly she-wolf): Allusion to the myth of Romulus and Remus,
the legendary founders of Rome. According to this myth, a she-wolf nursed
Romulus and Remus when they were infants.
Translation 1
Reprinted From The
Poems and Prose Poems of Charles Baudelaire
James Huneker, Editor
(New York: Brentano's, 1919).
I think of you! The stream,
The poor, sad mirror where
in bygone days
Shone all the majesty of
your widowed grief,
The lying Simoïs2
flooded by your tears,
Made all my fertile memory
blossom forth
As I passed by the new-built
Old Paris is no more (a
town, alas,
Changes more quickly than
man's heart may change);
Yet in my mind I still can
see the booths;
The heaps of brick and rough-hewn
The grass; the stones all
over-green with moss;
The débris, and the
square-set heaps of tiles.
There a menagerie was once
And there I saw, one morning
at the hour
When toil awakes beneath
the cold, clear sky,
And the road roars upon
the silent air,
A swan who had escaped his
cage, and walked
On the dry pavement with
his webby feet,
And trailed his spotless
plumage on the ground.
And near a waterless stream
the piteous swan
Opened his beak, and bathing
in the dust
His nervous wings, he cried
(his heart the while
Filled with a vision of
his own fair lake):
"O water, when then wilt
thou come in rain?
Lightning, when wilt thou
Sometimes yet
I see the hapless bird—strange,
fatal myth—
Like him
that Ovid writes of,4
lifting up
Unto the cruelly blue, ironic
With stretched, convulsive
neck a thirsty face,
As though he sent reproaches
up to God!
Paris may change; my melancholy
is fixed.
New palaces, and scaffoldings,
and blocks,
And suburbs old, are symbols
all to me
Whose memories are as heavy
as a stone.
And so, before the Louvre,5
to vex my soul,
The image came of my majestic
With his mad gestures, foolish
and sublime,
As of an exile whom one
great desire
Gnaws with no truce. And
then I thought of you,
Andromache! torn from your
hero's arms;
Beneath the hand of Pyrrhus6
in his pride;
Bent o'er an empty tomb
in ecstasy;
Widow of Hector7—wife
of Helenus!8
And of the negress, wan
and phthisical,
Tramping the mud, and with
her haggard eyes
Seeking beyond the mighty
walls of fog
The absent palm-trees of
proud Africa;
Of all who lose that which
they never find;
Of all who drink of tears;
all whom grey grief
suck to as the kindly wolf gave suck;9
Of meagre orphans who like
blossoms fade.
And one old Memory like
a crying horn
Sounds through the forest
where my soul is lost . . .
I think of sailors on some
isle forgotten;
Of captives; vanquished
. . . and of many more.
Wife of Troy's most formidable warrior, Hector, in the war against Greece.
The greatest Greek warrior, Achilles, killed Hector before the walls of
Troy and, behind his chariot, dragged the body of Hector around the walls
of Troy to humiliate the Trojans. Later, the Greeks defeated the Trojans
and burned their city. The son of Achilles, Neoptolemus (also called Pyrrhus,
meaning fair), took her and Hector's brother Helenus home with him
as as captives to the Greek state of Epirus, in northwestern Greece. In
Greece, Andromache bore Neoptolemus three sons. When Neoptolemus died at
Delphi, Greece, Andromache and the throne of Epirus were awarded to Helenus,
who married Andromache. After Helenus died, Andromache returned to her
native land. There, her son Pergamus founded a city.
River flowing past ancient Troy (in present-day Turkey). In the Aeneid,
Virgil refers to a false Simoïs in Epirus.
du Carrousel, a Paris bridge crossing the Seine. It opened in 1834.
that Ovid writes of: Allusion to Cycnus, a close friend of Phaeton,
in a tale by the Roman poet Ovid (43 BC-AD 17) in his Metamorphoses.
Phaeton was the son of the sun god Helios. After Phaeton died, Cycnus grieved
so deeply that the gods changed him into a swan to relieve his suffering.
Paris art museum that formerly served as a royal residence.
Neoptolemus. (See
Son of Priam, king of Troy. Hector was the greatest Trojan warrior in Troy's
war against the Greeks. He was slain by the Greek warrior Achilles. For
additional information, see Andromache and The
Helenus, the brother of Hector. According to the Roman poet Virgil, the
son of Achilles (Neoptolemus) captured Helenus and Andromache at the end
of the Trojan War and took them back to Greece. For additional information,
see Andromache.
suck to as the kindly wolf gave suck: Allusion to the myth of Romulus
and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome. According to this myth, a she-wolf
nursed Romulus and Remus when they were infants.
Translation 2
Roy Campbell
Poems of Baudelaire
(New York: Pantheon Books, 1952)
Andromache! — This shallow
stream, the brief
Mirror you once so grandly
With your vast majesty of
widowed grief,
This lying Simois your tears
Evoked your name, and made
me think of you,
As I was crossing the new
— Old Paris is no more (cities
Quicker than human hearts,
their changing spell).
In mind I see that camp of
huts, the muddle
Of rough-hewn roofs and
leaning shafts for miles,
The grass, green logs stagnating
in the puddle,
Where bric-a-brac lay glittering
in piles.
Once a menagerie parked there.
And there it chanced one
morning, when from slumber freed,
Labour stands up, and Transport
through still air
Rumbles its sombre hurricane
of speed, —
A swan escaped its cage:
and as its feet
With finny palms on the
harsh pavement scraped,
Trailing white plumage on
the stony street,
In the dry gutter for fresh
water gaped.
Nervously bathing in the
dust, in wonder
It asked, remembering its
native stream,
"When will the rain come
down? When roll the thunder?"
I see it now, strange myth
and fatal theme!
Sometimes, like Ovid's wretch,
towards the sky
(Ironically blue with cruel
Its neck, convulsive, reared
its head on high
As though it were its Maker
to revile.
Paris has changed, but in
my grief no change.
New palaces and scaffoldings
and blocks,
To me, are allegories, nothing
My memories are heavier
than rocks.
Passing the Louvre, one image
makes me sad:
That swan, like other exiles
that we knew,
Grandly absurd, with gestures
of the mad,
Gnawed by one craving! —
Then I think of you,
Who fell from your great
husband's arms, to be
A beast of freight for Pyrrhus,
and for life,
Bowed by an empty tomb in
ecstasy —
Great Hector's widow! Helenus's
I think, too, of the starved
and phthisic negress
Tramping the mud, who seeks,
with haggard eye,
The palms of Africa, and
for some egress
Out of this great black
wall of foggy sky:
Of those who've lost what
they cannot recover:
Of those who slake with
tears their lonely hours
And milk the she-wolf, Sorrow,
for their mother:
And skinny orphans withering
like flowers.
So in the forest of my soul's
Remembrance winds his horn
as on he rides.
I think of sailors stranded
on an isle,
Captives, and slaves — and
many more besides.
Translation 3
Lewis Piaget Shanks
Flowers of Evil
(New York: Ives Washburn, 1931)
Andromache, of thee I think!
and of
the dreary streamlet where,
through exiled years,
shone the vast grandeur
of thy widow's love,
that false Simois brimmed
with royal tears
poured like the Nile across
my memory strange,
as past the Louvre new I
strolled, apart.
—Old Paris is no more (for
cities change
—alas!—more quickly than
a mortal's heart);
only my memory sees the capitals,
the shafts unfinished once,
in pools of rain,
the slimy marble blocks,
weeds, market-stalls
with old brass gleaming
through each dusty pane.
that corner houses a whole
menagerie once;
and here one day I saw,
when 'neath the fair
cold heavens, Toil awoke,
and over the stones
the storm of traffic rent
the silent air,
a swan which from its cage
had made escape
patting the torrid blocks
with webby feet,
trailing great plumes of
snow, while beak agape
fumbled for water in the
parching street;
wildly it plunged its wings
in dust again,
mourning its native lake,
and seemed to shrill:
"lightning, when comest
thou? and when, the rain?"
strange symbol! wretched
bird, I see it still,
up to the sky, like Ovid's
fool accurst,
up to the cruelly blue ironic
raising its neck convulsed
and beak athirst,
as though reproaching God
in each mad cry.
towns change... but in my
melancholy naught
has moved at all! new portals,
ladders, blocks,
old alleys — all become
symbolic thought,
in me, loved memories turn
to moveless rocks.
so, crushing me, the Louvre
gates recall
my huge white swan, insane
with agony,
comic, sublime, like exiles
one and all
by truceless cravings torn!
I think of thee
Andromache, a slave apportioned,
proud Pyrrhus took from
hands more glorious,
in ecstasy bent o'er an
empty tomb;
great Hector's widow, wed
to Helenus!
I think of thee, consumptive
wading the mire, wan-eyed
girl, agog
to find the absent palms
of proud Soudan
behind the boundless rampart
of the fog;
I think of all who lose the
boons we find
no more! no more! who feed
on tears and cling
to the good she-wolf Grief,
whose tears are kind!
—of orphans gaunt like flowers
thus, in the jungle of my
soul's exile,
old memories wind a horn
I've heard before!
I think of sailors wrecked
on some lost isle,
of prisoners, captives!...
and many more!
Verse Format
wrote "The Swan" in a traditional French format, Alexandrine. In this verse
format, each line consists of twelve syllables. Syllables 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
and 11 are unaccented. Syllables 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 are accented. In
the middle of the line, between syllables 6 and 7, is a brief pause, called
a caesura. Occasionally, an Alexandrine line contains thirteen syllables,
the last one unaccented. In English versification, an Alexandrine line
is equivalent to iambic hexameter. The
fourth line of the poem demonstrates the format of twelve alternating unaccented
and accented syllables:
Ce Si
mo ïs men teur qui par
vos pleurs gran dit
The rhyme scheme is abab,
as in the first stanza.
Andromaque, je pense
à vous! Ce petit fleuve,
Pauvre et triste miroir
où jadis resplendit
L'immense majesté
de vos douleurs de veuve,
Ce Simoïs menteur qui
par vos pleurs grandit
as a Symbolist Poet
often classify Baudelaire as a symbolist poet or as the inspiration for
the symbolist movement in poetry.
poets maintained that the external, objective world was only a reflection
of true reality. Therefore, they used symbols to suggest the nature and
mystery of this true reality and the inner experiences, attitudes, and
emotions of a human being responding to it. This hidden reality was beyond
the ken of empirical science, they believed. In composing poetry, the symbolists
adopted Edgar Allan Poe's tenet that
the sound of a poem—its musicality—was extremely important in conveying
the meaning and mood of a poem. (Baudelaire spent many years translating
the works of Poe.) Therefore, the symbolists stressed judicious selection
and arrangement of words.
"The Swan," Baudelaire exhibits symbolist ideals in the following stanza,
which rejects change and says that the new palaces and blocks of stone
are mere allegories, or symbols. The key passage is highlighted:
Paris change! mais
rien dans ma mélancolie
N'a bougé! palais
neufs, échafaudages, blocs,
Vieux faubourgs, tout
pour moi devient allégorie...............(everything
for me becomes an allegory)
Et mes chers souvenirs sont
plus lourds que des rocs.
also exhibits symbolist ideals in his references to Andromache, the swan,
and the black slave woman as symbols of the abstract world of emotional
anguish. Finally, he exhibits symbolist ideals in his use of rhyme and
rhythm to help convey his meaning. For example, in the first stanza fleuve
(river) rhymes with veuve (widow). As a the widow
of Hector, Andromache cried a river of tears.
of Speech
Figures de Rhétorique
are examples of figures of speech in the poem. For definitions of figures
of speech, see Literary Terms.
(line 3)
soudain ma mémoire
(line 5)
esprit tout ce
(line 9)
aux carreaux,
le bric-à-brac
(line 12)
Anaphore (Anaphora)
le ciel quelquefois, comme l'homme d'Ovide,
le ciel ironique et cruellement bleu (lines 25-26)
«Eau, quand
donc pleuvras-tu? quand tonneras-tu, foudre?» (line 23)
The swan addresses water
(eau) and lightning (foudre).
Métaphore (Metaphor)
Ce petit fleuve,
/ Pauvre et triste miroir (lines 1-2)
Comparison of the river
(fleuve) to a mirror (miroir)
Ce Simoïs menteur (line
Comparison of the Simoïs
River to a liar
Synecdoque (Synechdoche)
le Travail s'éveille
(line 15)
Literally, this clause
means "labor awoke." Labor (Travail) stands for workers.
Questions and Writing Topics
If you are studying French,
write your own English translation of "The Swan."
What is the difference between
a lyric poem and a ballad?
Write an informative essay that
explains symbolist poetry. Use library and Internet research.
Write an informative essay that
explains Alexandrine verse. Use library and Internet research.
Make a list of the words (French
or English) in the poem that signify the speaker's melancholy mood.
What are other examples of alliteration
besides those listed above?
